INTRACOM DEFENSE hosted the NOMAD 2nd Consortium Meeting

INTRACOM DEFENSE, as Leader of Work Package 5 (WP5) of the NOMAD (“NOvel energy storage technologies usable at MilitAry Deployments in forward operating bases”) EDF 2021 Project, had the honor and pleasure to host the 2nd Consortium Meeting of the project. The event organized with the support of ARPA as Project Coordinator, took place on September 11-12, 2024 at the Armed Forces Officers’ Club in Athens. The NOMAD project, currently in its 2nd year of execution, aims to study, design and demonstrate novel, safe and usable energy storage technologies for military deployments in forward operation bases and achieve validation in relevant environment. In this context, it aims to strengthen the competitiveness and autonomy of the EU Defense industry in energy storage and related technologies applied to forward operating bases.

The Opening Session featured speeches by Lieutenant Colonel Mr. Nikolaos Chrysopoulus, Hellenic Ministry of Defence; Mr. Theodoros Dionysopoulos Director, Hybrid Energy Systems, Intracom Defense; Ms. María Isabel Pérez-Cerda Herrero, Project Manager, Subdirectorate General for Planning, Technology and Innovation of the Spanish Ministry of Defence and Ms. Francisca Hernández, NOMAD Project Coordinator.

The consortium partners from 7 EU-member states (Spain, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, the Netherlands, Slovenia) and Norway, along with associated MoD representatives, reviewed and discussed the WP status in Day 1, focusing on the work accomplished to date, concluding on key aspects of specific deliverables, milestones and tasks, highlighting future activities and deliberating on specific task activities and technical issues.

In Day 2, the 2nd NOMAD Steering Committee and 2nd MoD Steering Committee meetings were held, followed by a Keynote Speech by the Technical Manager of the project, Mr. Eduardo Lopez from INTA. Mr. Lopez summarized the objectives achieved and those set for the next project period, highlighting the importance of adopting product development practices during design and prototyping of the technology building blocks and Functional Modules. Mr. Theodoros Dionysopoulos from IDE, making his closing remarks, addressed the evolving energy requirements of military users in the emerging battlespace, the necessity of industry to deliver advanced tactical power systems without impacting military capability, and highlighted the advances and gains of the NOMAD energy storage system within this context.

IDE’s technical team played a significant role, demonstrating the work performed, especially for the NOMAD system architecture and engaging in discussions with the consortium partners and MoD representatives. Furthermore, IDE had a significant contribution to the successful execution of the Consortium meeting.


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